Ts Eliot as a critic

T. S Eliot as a critic 

T. S Eliot  is not only an eminent poet and eminent dramatist but also one of the most outstanding critic of 20th century .He has written a large number of critical essays and Critical books such as the sacred wood the use of poetry and the use of Criticism selected essays and on poetry and poets in which represents his own literary view so very clear and family he has been acclaimed as a new critic and textual critic because he has tried to clear the confusion and misunderstanding in respect of poetry and literature and has also tried to correct the taste of readers . As a critic he offered and justify his own concept of 'tradition' ,in his view on impersonality  of art , subjective to correlative and the dissociation and the unification of sensibility as well as his auditory imagination. His criticism has been reversionary because he is opposed to impressionistic criticism or romantic subjectivism . Himself he  admits that he is a new classicist in Literature and in this respect he draws sustenance chiefly  from the French critic Re medy  Gourmont .
                  He tries to define criticism in his own ways and says that criticism has only one definite end to perform and that is the elucidation of work of art and the correction of taste he is of the view that the chief aim of Criticism lies in promoting the understanding and enjoyment of literature.
He again says that the criticism
 is a natural activities and that the compressions and the analysis are two tools of every genuine critical activity. In his practical criticism he has brought about a revolutionary  of the great literary figure of the path three centuries . In his essays on 17th century metaphysical poet Eliot expresses the view that Dryden and Milton set in the process of dissociation of sensibility and that Jon Done and Herbert and Andrew Marvell did have unified sensibility because they think and feel at one time  and same time. First used the term the objective correlative in his essay on Hamlet and he says that objective correlative is a way of conveying emotion by present situation and events which rose a  similar emotion in the readers. He  review Hamlet as a failure because objective correlative does not exist in Hamlet .
                     In his famous essays tradition and individual talent he explain his own dynamic concept of tradition .According to him tradition does not mean of blind imitation of limitation of art what has been done in the past. In fact tradition involves  historical sense which means of  a perception not only of the Present of the past but also the present of the past. Moreover tradition means of sense of the timeless as well as of temporary and of the timeless and of the temporal together. T.S Eliot  looks upon tradition as a kind of former or order which has been modified and rearrange by a new work of art . While explaining the impersional  theory of Art of poetry he says that poetry is actually an escape from emotion as well as also an escape from emotion or personality .He  further  he says that it is wrong to say that  the poetry is the expression of emotion and personality . Finally he says that the progress of an artist is a continual self sacrifice and continual extinction of personality.

 Eliot s' influences as a critic wide  and all pervasive and there  in hardly any critic in the modern time who does not seen to be influenced by Eliot . Eliot 's contribution to the field of literary criticism cannot be be surpassed  by any critic in respect of quality and quantity.  His organisation of greatness of donne and other metaphysical poets of the 17th century has resulted in the metaphysical revival of poetry . He has shed new light on a large number of English writer and has made them look entirely different. Eliot 's practical criticism  offers re assessment of earlier writer and  reject the excess of subjectivism and romanticism  in Literature. Eliot's theory of impersonality of poetry and of the nature of the poet process are equal revolutionary which brings literature poetry very close to science . His comments on the nature of poetic drama and the relation between poetry and drama have done much to bring about a revival of poetic drama in the modern age . Even though   Eliot talks and advocate objective in poetry.  Yet sometime he is with  the result that his criticism is suffered with personal and religious Prejudices . His criticism of Milton Shelly and Arnold appears to be personal invective  that cannot be called sound literary criticism .  In  spite of his limitation stands tall in the long line of the poet critic extending from sir Philip Sidney to be  the critic of the Modern Times. 
